A Trellis Truce
An ongoing Saga of Marital Mayhem, interspersed with Jovial Jollity.
Friday, 1 September 2023
Here's to Lady Luck
Friday, 25 August 2023
Alive! Alive oh!
What's He Up To Now?
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Aroint Thee, Cad!
(*) From the 'witches stirring their cauldron' scene in Macbeth,
(**) 'Food' references in accordance with Rosemary's inspiring prompt on 'Poets and Storytellers United.'
Saturday, 12 August 2023
Ada's Onto You . . .
The first shop he entered - a florist, forsooth. He emerged with red roses, I tell you the truth. Thence to Dunn's Hat Shop, the town's only link to his dim, distant past. What must I think? Surely to goodness the silly old bat isn't treating himself to a spanking new hat? A soft grey velour, a deerstalker perhaps? Whatever it is, it's concealed in a box. What next? A fresh haircut? Eye-liner? New socks? He's planning an attack on my stout bedroom door. "Avaunt thee, you rascal. You're a mind-numbing bore.' But give him his due, he really does try. And Ada - that's me - should I laugh? Should I cry?
Saturday, 5 August 2023
Are You Listening, Cad-My-Lad?
Monday, 31 July 2023
What's that I hear?
Although my shed is far from the house, Ada's dulcet tones carry like no others. I fear she may be looking for me. Heavens to Murgatroyd! Read the following extract I stole from one of her secret journals, and you may understand my trepidation...
I am Caddoc's dark star, encircling him with ponderous gravity... Behind my back he calls me his White Dwarf. Huge. Hugely dense, each thimbleful weighs tons. We two are bound as one. Paired binaries, inseparable on our collision course.
I eclipse him and he, me. Virgo and Capricorn locked in heavenly combat. Unchangeable as physic's laws, we would not, could not change our gruesome orbits.
We have peered too long through our telescopes' wrong ends. Together we must admit the background hiss of the space between us, and there perhaps explore the kiss of background love.
Sunday, 30 July 2023
Ada's Wrath
" A plot, I tell you, a plot is being hatched! " I hear Ada cry.
"Can I help you. Mrs T? What's gone wrong?
"I've been searching everywhere for my recipe book... Look what I've found in our old dresser drawer! A scruffy heap of dastardly plans labelled Invasion Of Privacy Project Commencing Soon - and I recognise the writing... CADDOC!"
N.B. If you want to see Caddoc's reply, click HERE !
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Memories are made of this...
Monday, 26 October 2020
Monday's Child
Saturday, 24 October 2020
All change, all change!
That's a cry that brings to mind days from my youth. Whenever a local train broke down, passengers had to be winkled out of their comfy carriages and re-instated in a less salubrious bus or coach to finish their journey. Ah, me! What jolly fun...
In these ever changing days of Covid19 lockdowns, taking any means of transport becomes more of a military operation. "Masks on!"..."Keep your distance!"... "Don't travel unless it's an absolute necessity!"
I don't wonder that Ada and Cad have barricaded themselves into Trellis Manor, relying on Food Parcels donated by their local Squire. However, he is by no means as generous as this kind gesture might imply.
Last week, the Trellis kitchen was the scene of many a ruckus, as Ada attempted to make edible dishes from unusual ingredients such as pigs trotters, bean sprouts, two pounds of homegrown windfall apples (maggots included) and a pack of nine toilet rolls with three already removed...
And tomorrow is another day. Happily, it will be a whole hour shorter in the UK, as Time is given short shrift due to the Daylight Saving procedure of turning clock hands counter clockwise at 2 a.m. until dials register 1 a.m. on their shocked little faces. The whole country (and not a lot of people know this) is full of people who sit clockwatching, wide awake, until the appointed hour arrives. And if you believe that, you will believe anything.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
September with no Serenade?
I'd serenade the world if I, Trellissimo, could only appear once more to find out how Caddoc and Ada are dealing with Covid19 lockdown! :-)
Saturday, 14 September 2019
Alive and Well?!
Watch this space...
Monday, 19 August 2019
What year is this?
So if anyone asks me such a silly question, I shall give them short shrift...
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Sunday, 1 June 2014
We'll Gloss Over This One, I think...
Now she pouted up there with the best!
But her lips grew so sore
that it took pills galore
before she could get a night's rest!
Of course, she only got the idea from Tess and her Mag 222!
Monday, 24 March 2014
The Morning After
The bed clothes were rumpled and all of a heap (I won't mention the mess on the floor). Neither Ada nor Caddoc could even begin to guess what had happened before...
Had a tornado struck?
Had they both run amok?
Was the bottle of whiskey to blame for the way their heads pounded and nothing stood still? Had the world spun and addled their brains?
Monday, 2 September 2013
What A Charmer
I could've placed her on a pedestal, the way that lovers do...but " I will not squat on porcelain, not even, Cad, for you " said Ada in her sharpest tones, which made me think anew- so I've drawn her in a treetop crown.
"Forgive me, Ada dearest, for when you've simmered down, you'll realise I put you there 'cause you're way above the best, and will charm the birdies from the trees!"
And there my case shall rest.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Did She Fall Or Was She Pushed?
"Caddoc, you ninny, I've been fast asleep beside you for hours, not walking on wings. What makes you think up such terrible things? Must be the cheese you ate for your supper?
Now snuggle back down and don't be a duffer!"
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Olé !
" Beloved, I'll follow you where'er you lead, but I beg you to keep it polite, for tango's, if danced with abandon, can be a right turn on. All right?"
Written for the Mag 181, with thanks to Tess and apologies to Toulouse-Lautrec .
Monday, 5 August 2013
Unhand Me, You Cad!
(And don't you agree, come now, won't you confess, his hat is a terrible, terrible mess?)
But then he'll come in and he'll creep up behind and I must pretend that I really do mind how his left and his right hands unerringly know the very two places where they should not go!
So I always pretend to be stern and severe and cry "You great Welsh lummox, less of that here!" And then he says "If not there, where then, my dear?" as he smiles his daft smile and gives me a cuddle, knowing he’ll soon throw my thoughts in a muddle till I’ll give him a kiss, and forgive him his hat. Now tell me, could you resist chat-ups like that?"
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Night Rider
Caddoc Goes Solo
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Not Quite A Moonlight Serenade
La Belle Ada Sans Culottes.
(With apologies to John Keats)
"O what can ail thee, Caddoc T
alone and bare and pale and wan?"
"My biking kit's been nicked, look you!
And Ada's gone."
"O what can ail thee, goodly Cad?
You seemed chilled through, and woe-begone?"
"You deaf? No boots. No gloves. No wife.
I'm all undone!"
"I see the anguish on thy brow,
as if great sorrows overtook -
and on thy cheeks..." "Hands off, you swine!
Don't push your luck!"
And here Caddoc launched forth into yet another tale of mishap by moonlight...
I thought to give Ada a spin,
(beloved wife — she's just 'the most' )
We'd hit the road for Colwyn Bay,
along the coast!
I bought a helmet for her head,
and leathers black and biker's boots.
She flipped her helmet's visor down,
said "Cad, let's scoot!"
I sat her on my racing steed,
and nothing else felt all day long,
but Ada pressed against my back,
with sweet Welsh song.
She bought me pink Llandudno rock
and Ninety-Nines and bags of chips.
And then in language strange she said—
‘Mmmm - tasty lips!’
She hauled me to a trysting spot,
and there she lay and sighed full sore,
and there I shut her dear Welsh eyes
with kisses four.
And so we lulled ourselves to sleep,
and there we dreamed, but later on
we woke up in our Birthday Suits
our leathers gone!
We saw the robbers making off,
masked brigands, ugly brutes, a brace.
But then things went from bad to worse!
Ada gave chase!
And so I stand here in the gloam,
and horrid thoughts go through my mind -
If I join Ada in the chase
what will I find?
Two robbers cowering in fear
cornered by Ada without her vest?
She'll be arrested too! I'll plead
"She did her best!"
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Ciggy Saga
( Cad and Ada, I declare! BUT – cigarettes? Good Heavens, that surely could not be – what could be their story? We’ll have to wait and see!)
It's really very simple. They're now both clapped out wrecks. "'Cos smoking," argues Ada, "is an antidote to sex. "
(Pass the Woodbines, pet . . . )
But Caddoc knows that Ada knows that Caddoc is no fool. And Caddoc knows in Clacton boarding houses it's the rule to avoid unwonted loss of life when fire disaster looms -
Many thanks for sparking this off, Tess, with your choice of Togan Gokbakar's photo for the Mag 168
Monday, 6 May 2013
All About Caddoc
![]() |
Caddoc's Version |
Again I've caught Caddoc playing,
straying from his work, perhaps?
A lapse in his attention
I mention here, but I must smile
the while to acknowledge he's a
wizard when it comes to art -
part of why I fell for him -
grim though he may appear from time
to time. (Just look at his hat!
That is too awful for words,
absurd in fact.) But what he did
with a fiddle of his mouse today,
I must say was appealing -
stealing part of a painting! He's no dope,
I hope you'll agree;
he could see in his mind's eye
why a version with arms missing might
have more bite...I reprint it here,
my dear reader, but urge you to go
show him how you feel
for real about his home grown
poem - which I now plagiarise
as a surprise for him...
Thin end of the wedge? Maybe.
We'll see if he thinks
mine stinks...
After many moons of not being visible on this Truce blog, I can assure you I nevertheless remained behind the scenes to keep my gimlet eye upon Cad. So when I discovered today that he had got all creative, it spurred me on. Thank you, Mag 167!
Sunday, 14 April 2013
![]() |
Spring, 1935 by Kuzma Petrov-Vodin |
But prim and proper Ada said
"Divest your mind of such ideas. For, Master Caddoc, it appears to little Ada (sweet and twenty) you promise naughtiness in plenty. I sense behind your moon-calf eyes imaginings that would surprise the girls from Colwyn to Tranent who don't know that your thoughts are bent on getting into Ada's bed. Chase such malpractice from your head!"
And yet (in brackets, so to speak) our Ada thought
"If I can tweak his urges to a fever pitch he might decide to soothe his itch by making me an honest girl. Then I’d have me a willing churl!"
So in due time the pair were wed. Poor Cad spent more time in his shed, not less - for Ada proved a tartar and soon poor Caddoc was a martyr, prostrated by the fires of love … for Ada was no turtle dove!
Until, that is, he’d lined her nest; she found he really was the best of thoughtful lovers, sweet and kind… Then Ada slowly changed her mind; she learned to tolerate his ways. No longer were there stressful days, and life turned out to be just fine – at least for eight days out of nine!
Thanks to Mag 164 for inspiring this tale.
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Winter Woes
"You two ninnies are a hindrance. Remember last weekend, for instance; I heard you chatting in the shed. Why don't you talk to me instead? You lounge around and cause a muddle and then start whispering, in a huddle. For you it must be very nice, there in your Fool's Paradise, where meals are placed upon the table like clockwork. I am never able
“Forget it, Caddoc! Drive! Let’s go! Foot on the gas and let’s get home; I’ve lost the urge to ever roam!"
Thursday, 22 November 2012
But after a night's sleep of lying awake (!), I was inspired to elucidate further...
Last night as I lay on my pillow
Last night as I lay on my bed
Last night as I mused next to Caddoc
some more lines came into my head...
"My Guilty Pleasure if you please
is wearing panties just like these.
It's just for fun. No one gets hurt
unless I wear my see-through skirt
and stroll about in Abergele.
Then knobbly Welsh knees turn to jelly.
One day I'll get myself arrested
by PCs whose resolve is tested.
They'd fling me in a prison cell.
They would not treat me very well -
I hope! But things aren't what they seem -
My Guilty pleasure's just a dream."
Monday, 29 October 2012
You Dancing?

This year, Trellissimo and Ada jumped the gun a month too soon, and tripped the light fantastic wearing the minimum of gear, as they sampled the delights of Paris.
The sight was so awesome, he retired to his shed, post haste, and hasn't been seen since...
The Trellis Tribe, however, would like to thank Tess for the invitation, as they realise their weekly shenanigans over the past year have probably tried the poor girl's patience to the limit, at times! You're a good sport, Tess. :)