Sunday, 20 June 2021

Memories are made of this...


While rummaging around in my shed today for a length of twine, I noticed a container jutting out at an odd angle from a high shelf on the back wall. I moved closer and could see it was a cardboard box, hidden by the webs of time and spiders alike...I lifted it down, amidst a swirl of dust which had clearly remained undisturbed for years. And though I'd forgotten its existence, my first, tentative huff an' puff cleared the lid enough for me to make out the faded word 'Mementos.'

Of course! Amongst the odd assortment of postcards, photographs and letters lay this faded cutting from our local newspaper. What a pity the photographer hadn't waited long enough for my Ada, in all her bridal finery, to climb into the car, on her way to marry the luckiest man in the world, that day...   

Thanks to Fireblossom and The Sunday Muse for nudging me to remember...


  1. How wonderful to see you after what feels like decades!! Clever as always!

  2. Our 33-year-old wedding photo album hides somewhere deep under the bed, behind boxed of thisthat and whatnot. I am not eager to compare the then and now. While my bride was only 26 when we married, I was already 42 — these past 33 years have not been kind to me. My wife still fits in her wedding dress. So I shove our wedding album even deeper whenever I spot it! 🙂

  3. A charming poetic memory! So glad to have you join us for the Muse Cad!

  4. A different take on the photo. Great!!

  5. Have to find my wedding album now...

  6. We have a sealed and bug proofed box in our garage. Its name is "Daughter's First Wedding Dress."
    Nice write, Cad.

  7. Wow! This is a blast from the past. I was beginning to think that Ada, the Scourge of Abergele, and poor downtrodden Caddoc had passed/emigrated/killed each other. So there's hope for them yet,

  8. I love this take on the photo. I can see her, in her finery, just out of frame.

  9. Goodness - 21 June 2023 took its time to arrive, but now it has, I see some earlier comments were left on 21 June 2021!!!

  10. How wonderful to see so many old Blogpals... (maybe go steady on the 'old')
