Wednesday 1 December 2010

Cad's Morning Moan

Snow trees stand about my garden.
Weather gods I WILL NOT PARDON
for freezing my spuds and sprouts and leeks.
I pray this won't go on for weeks...

Thanks to my  Beloved I have bought a ticket for this mysterious Poetry Bus, although it may have difficulty going anywhere without a snow plough in attendance. Perhaps I need to explain, although the third of the DriverBug's choice of subjects was bare branches, there are none around today, as they are all covered with snowflakes - I hope this won't make my ticket null and void...


  1. A heartfelt poem, the seniments of which I echo. Your picture goes perfectly - maybe the branches are bare, but the scraperboard technique hints at the snow.

  2. Good morning, Vivinfrance! Isn't it wonderful the way Google will always provide exactly the right image for aspiring bloggers? Mind you, it can take hours of searching first...

  3. On Sunday I thought I ought to dig up my parsnips - the spade was frozen into the earth (!), so I used a trowel and it took me half an hour to dig a good crop up. Now for a delve into Delia for that spicy parsnip and apple soup...

  4. I'm glad to see the gardening spirit is alive and well, Madamebutterfly. Perhaps you could give Ada that recipe - soup does strange things to her, I've discovered...

  5. A fun poem, and a nice scraperboard picture. Good to see you acknowledging Mrs.Trellis's hand in things. Your luck seems to have turned. I follow the tale with interest . . .

  6. Doctor FTSE - I'm hoping luck, as well as the humble worm, has the ability to turn. Thank you for your continuing interest in my miserable existence. As for Mrs Trellis' hands, they are a subject for discussion in another place. I fear they may have been wandering...

  7. thankyou Cad for visiting my post. I hope Mrs. Trellis isn't in too much trouble! Love the "cold" poem!

  8. Sorry - I'll try again! (Put it down to frozen fingers.)
    I've dug myself out of a Blogland snowdrift in order to come visiting! Now I'm here, do you think I might borrow your tree picture to put on my blog too? I like the little stars that remind me of snowflakes... And they might spur me on to write a snowy something to go with this illustration.

  9. Jinksy:
    Sharing is what Blog World does best, and Google images are there for everyone, so help yourself. I hope your digging didn't tire you out? Remember, you still have to get yourself back home- I wouldn't like to have to send out a rescue party. Stay warm, stay safe. :)

  10. Thanks, Cad. You can see what I did with it here if you like.

  11. Well, if you read my post for today you'll see how I feel about winter. Not a fan of cold! Or hot really, it's a puzzle to get the temps just right for me...
