Thursday 9 December 2010

Sled, Sledge, Toboggan?

Snow Joke ...or
'S no Joke?

Sliding on a sledge
can tip one over the edge.
Here's to soft landings!

Ada underneath
to cushion poor Caddoc’s bones
might solve the problem...

But she might complain
and banish him to the shed.
Life can be a bitch.

Magpie Tales has brought up the SNOW subject with Willow's brooding picture prompt this week, but in the bright light of day this image suggests the clean, crisp delights of a fresh fall of snow, and we all know how crisp and clean Mrs Trellis likes her world to be!


  1. I toast to soft landings, as well!

  2. So which of you two wrote this one? I'm guessing not Ada ...

  3. Pure as the driven is a bbbbbii...

  4. You need a two-seater bob-sleigh. Have fun!

  5. I'm pretty sure that suggesting that your loved one be a cushion ISN'T the way to her heart :)

  6. Oooooo that's why I always insist on being the top layer!

  7. Never slide on top of the first board. Soft is best.

  8. People, people! How could you think Caddoc would be so cruel, (or as unwise) to suggest Beloved Ada should bear the brunt of any fall? NO! Look more closely - it was the dreaded Trellissimo who put his spoke in the wheel, and spoke out in such a rash manner, while I, Caddoc, was out running errands for Mrs T...

  9. Cad, I think you need to watch the Trellissimo chap - Ada's head might be turned, even if or perhaps because he might land on top of her ;-)

  10. Well spoken, Caddoc Trellis. I particularly object to Trellissimo's "double entendre" in that second dubious stanza. I wonder whether this "Trellissimo" is the Abergele Stalker how sent me those anonymous red roses, or the cad I had words with in one of Abergele's Drinking Dens
    In a low public house? Ada Trellis? Only because I was looking for Caddoc himself. I've had to haul him home by his ear before now, look you!

  11. For "how" above, read "who." I got all the right letters, but in the wrong order . . .

  12. "haul him home by his ear" ?

    I claim this as proof, should I ever need it, that my Ada has a way of persuading chaps to do her bidding...
    Who knows what fate awaits Trellissimo if he continues to dog her footsteps? Perhaps the red roses may have soften her heart though.
    Hmmm... I must keep my eyes open for any shilly shallying.

  13. Ha! You see how alike Ada and Cad are? I meant softened, but it came out as soften.
    To err is human.
    I forgive my Ada anything, for she is divine...

  14. life's a bitch and then you land on one :)
