Wednesday 1 December 2010


It's almost as if reinstated rompings with husband Caddoc are being noised abroad in Abergele. I can almost believe that followers and fans such as VivInFrance and Madame Butterfly have been spreading the word. Should I care? Not Ada!  For the time being, I am Head-In-The-Cloud-Nine, or whatever the patois is, what with satisfying Caddoc's demands for leek soup and other matrimonial obligations. But we won't go into that.
What was I saying?  Oh yes!  Followers and fans and Abergele Nosey Parkers spreading the word . .  for today I was overwhelmed to receive not one but TWO bouquets!

Though both were unattributed, I'm sure the peachy roses come from faithful Caddoc, for these soft colours signify life-long devotion . .  touching, and worth a small reward.  The red roses . . . (how shall I explain them or explain them away?) . . came with the legend "For the Hottest Old Bat in North Wales", in a hand I do not recognise and I shall be disappointed if it turns out to be the florist's.
At the moment, Caddoc is taking a stroll down the village, to buy - he says - more champagne. And  while he's been away these tokens of amorous interest were delivered. When he returns, I must pretend to be confused, even outraged, and look down my nose at the red blooms, while we hear what Caddoc has to say . . . wouldn't it be fun if he "lost it" and went thrashing round Abergele with his rusty old shotgun . . .


  1. Good heavens! Turn my back for a moment, and what do I find? Some interloper muscling in on my attempts to keep Beloved sweet and bidable? And with OTT, opulent scarlet roses, too, implying scarlet woman behaviour! Ada, are you trying to make my heart bleed its matching coloured life blood? Perfidious woman!

  2. Prior to Cads outburst I have only heard the term "Perfidious" used to describe the English (by my father of course - who else?)

    Ada don't be such a tease!

  3. Popularity with Bon Jovi in a bed of roses! Just enjoy this special treat, Ada, and don't try to unravel who the mysterious sender is - secrets are so nice and naughty!
