Monday 13 December 2010

Beep! Beep!

So, this is what ADA does when my back is turned... She either thumbs rides with a shaggy dog, or chases a  
Poetry Bus!

To Ada's little diatribe,
I'd like to add my voice -
I'd really like to share her ride,
(I promise, minus mice!)
But just for now I'm hiding out
back in the potting shed...
I think she's once more wanting
to cuff me round my head...

So if I have to buy my own ticket, here goes...

Warning to Dodgy Doggy Drivers

There was a young dog from Ashdown
who drove a car all around town.
But he started to cuss
when he hit a red bus
which caused him to have a breakdown.


  1. Yahoo! I love the left-turns on the Bus!

  2. ... always fun when you ride the bus!

  3. Such a joyful ride when you are present.

  4. I love a good limerick! Yours is a wonderful ticket!

  5. What did you do to get re-banished to theshed?
    Like the shaggy dog.

  6. Thanks, fellow bus passengers, for inspecting my ticket!

    And Vivinfrance, I think sometimes all I have to do is breathe, in order to get into Ada's bad books. Perhaps she's decided I've had too much to say for myself recently, and has opted to send me to Coventry, while she hatches up new methods of flagellation for my tender hide. Of course, she might be busy preparing for Christmas, with no time for poor old Cad...

  7. Ba-Dum-Tish! Always fun over here on your blog, Ms Trellis.

  8. TFE - Not sure whether to take umbrage at your remark, or to buy you a new pair of glasses! That there Ms Trellis is a Mr Trellis, I'd have you know! Ask Ada, if you don't believe me!

  9. Doh! My mistake,apologies, and I even had my glasses on!

  10. TFE - glasses only help after you've uncrossed the eyes that are sitting behind them! LOL
