Thursday 11 November 2010

There's A First Time For Everything

And this is mine! I have been relegated to my garden shed once too often and today the worm has turned. I have dug deep into something other than garden soil, and am planting seeds of rebellion. No longer will I be the silent partner, even though the ears who listen to me will not be the ones I most wish to whisper into. Ah, Ada my Ada, after forty years you still remain the light of my life, but you have drawn the blinds down in your mind, and your brilliance eludes me.
The World of Blog will be my confessor, and and my salvation. It's better than talking to myself.


  1. You're not talking to yourself: you're talking to me! Welcome to blogland as a bona fide blogger instead of an anonymous intruder elsewhere.

  2. Caddoc, my friend . . how will you stop Beloved Ada finding out about your blog. Have you a secret PC hidden under the compost bin in your shed? Suppose she follows her followers until she lands here? I think you could be heading for trouble, Me Old Mate.

  3. Hello, Viv-the-listener!
    There's welcome you are!

    & Dr FTSE bach,

    I have a little laptop
    that goes in and out with me.
    I store it in a biscuit tin
    so's Ada will not see.
    But when Ada learns the secrets
    of my little potting shed,
    I think it highly likely
    I shall wish that I was dead!

    Until then, I shall make hay while the sun shines - or the rain pours. Am I bovvered?

  4. There's posh for you: a laptop in a shed!

  5. Ms Viv - you have no idea! My shed is as full of surprises as Dr Who's Tardis. I believe in comfort, you see, and a few Mod Cons never go amiss.
    N.B. 'Mod' has nothing to do with 'Rocker', and 'Con' has no political overtones, you understand?

  6. Our shed is called Chateau Jock, and he boasts to people that it contains an armchair and a bottle of whisky. What is the truth is that it contains two lawnmowers, a lot of scruffy pots and packets, and a bale of barley straw for the pond, which the cat likes to sleep on.
