Sunday 28 November 2010

Second Instalment

The Middle

In flowered garments, satin smooth,
my Ada did not try to move
away from my arms' warm embrace,
but settled happily in place
with head beneath my stubbled chin.
"Come in, my dear", she cried, "Come in!

Come, sit you at the kitchen table,
the soup is hot. If you are able
to eat it so...But maybe...we could...
(don't you know...?)
try something which is just as good
at warming up cold hands or heart...
we have been very long apart..."


  1. Aaaahhhh how romantic! I pray for the continuance of peace.

  2. You should put an adult content warning on the next instalment

  3. Pourquoi, Madame? It's just beginning to get interesting. I reckon she'll eat him alive . . .

  4. Eaten alive I am not, as you see,Doctor, but maybe I've been a little nibbled around the edges... But that would be telling!

    Amd I'm not going to do that, Madamebutterfly, so no warning necessary!

    I only hope Peace continues, as Vivinfrance prays. What a lovely lady, to do that - prayers for Cad. Hmmm...probably I need tham.
