Monday 22 November 2010

Poems For Ada

Life was one long hand-hold

In the Springtime of our life together
we had time to talk and exchange thoughts.
But fate, which falls the same for many people,
soon forced another path, one often fraught
with accusations, discontent and tears.
We ourselves destroyed the peace we sought.
Now, through conscious change, may we not take
a better heed of lessons life has taught?

But things changed.

I would shower you with fragrant petals,
serenade you underneath the moon,
if you would condescend to smile upon me,
and forgive the paltry efforts of a goon
who'll try his best to win back your affection.
I hope that you will give your answer soon;
I'd like to wind time back to our beginning...
May I suggest a second honeymoon?  
Time to start again.


  1. Romantic? Un peu. But you've a lot more ground to make up yet. Second honeymoon? Was there a first? Don't push yer luck, Buster. Right now you're taking two steps forward and one step back. And don't stand under my window honking on that wretched saxophone again . . .

  2. Even the longest journey has to begin with a single step, my love...

  3. Very sweet. Is Mrs Trellis Ada? Looks like this is the blog to watch! Will he win her over? Will she succumb? I do hope love blooms again, being a true romantic at heart! Thanks for posting. Keep us informed:)

  4. Sherry Blue Sky . . Is Mrs.Trellis Ada? Is Cad Caddoc Trellis?
    Jinlge . . isn't breath taking actually one word? I concede this much . . his imagery is better than his saxophone playing. D'you know he hauls it round to my bedroom window in the wee smalls hours and honks away. I can't pretend to know what he's hoping for. . . but don't get me started.

  5. Blow saying it with poetry, Cad - beautiful though it is - say it with flowers.


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