Saturday 1 January 2011

More Hands And Gloves

Willow's Magpie prompt had a strange effect on me...


  1. Ada, dearest, I hope you don't think this is anything to do with me? Trellissimo is getting too big for his boots - or beret...

  2. How on Earth is anyone expected to keep up with you lot?
    I turn around for a few minutes and you have spawned a pup. There's Ada, there's Cadoc and now there's Trellissimo.

    Which one of you do I wish a Happy New Year? it obviously can't be all of you since you are a daggers drawn most of the time.

    I give up, have fun, all of you and keep the peace!

  3. lovely music...

    I did listen, the image does not move though....

  4. nice song...nice change of pace as well in relation to the prompt..

  5. Oh thanks for pointing me back to this - without you giving me the nod I might have missed it!

