Sunday 9 January 2011

Six Word Saturday, January 8th.

"Six Word Saturday" asks all participating bloggers to sum up their lives in a mere six words.
Easy Peasy!

"Was going great.  Then Caddoc appeared!"

Pssst! Thank goodness Ada has now sloped off early to bed, and left her computer unguarded! Now comes my chance for retribution -  or at least, my chance to have the last word for once. Think on this, my little ingrate!
Signed, Cad X 


  1. Mrs T! Some people don't know when they're well off! Send him round to me, for, from what I've learned about him, he's my kind of guy.

  2. I am sick with a cold:-(

  3. Lynne H - I have a six word comeback to your comment-

    "I am sick of cold weather."

    When the temperature falls, Caddoc spends less time out in his shed, and more time under my feet - though this does mean he is handy for a good kicking...

  4. Are you two heading for another bust-up, or is this one unilaterally Ada's doing?
    I'll see you both in my Consulting Rooms, 9 o'clock sharp tomorrow.

  5. Mister Trellissimo... Or should that be Doctor? What are you, Sir,? A counsellor, a therapist,a quack? Or just a nosey parker who keeps popping up too close for comfort?

  6. "I'm positively looking forward to 2011."
