Monday 5 September 2011

Not On The Scrap Heap Yet!

Ada woke one morning, stood before her looking glass and said "Today I'm feeling good.  I think I'll join a class of body building ladies to accentuate my curves." She wondered for a moment if she'd ever have the nerve to don a skimpy scarlet kit to give her Cad a treat, and imagined how such actions might knock him off his feet...

For many weeks her dumbbells rang. "I think I've proved my point. I am no Ada-Stick-In-Mud with nose put out of joint by any shapely siren.  I can compete with the best," and she flexed the well-toned muscles that held aloft her chest.

She kept it all a secret, went about her daily chores, until one Wednesday afternoon, loud footsteps clomped indoors… Caddoc, entering from his shed, called 'Cooee! Are you there?"
"Yes dear, come you in and sit." and Caddoc, unaware of his wife's intentions, perched upon the wooden stool she lead him to, but nonetheless, he managed to stay cool.
"I'll only be a moment, for I need to change my clothes" and Ada gave a saucy grin and wrinkled up her nose...
When she walked back in the kitchen, how Caddoc gawped and stared – It was such a transformation he was truly unprepared for  the sight that greeted him! He could not believe his eyes - Ada as a scarlet woman? Boyo! That was some surprise!

"I thought that I'd been relegated to the 'naughty' stool?”
“Oh, Caddoc, will you never learn? You really are a fool (*) !”

And Ada stormed off in a huff…But I hope Tess won't when she realises this was triggered by her 'Stuck-in-the-mud' abandoned vehicle on Magpie Tales!

(*) And there's more proof  here if you need it. Just  click the link before the asterisk...


  1. oh my...what class was that? smiles.

  2. I do so hope this is just the first instalment . .

  3. Gentlemen, I think Ada may have joined the wrong class...I can think of better ways she might have chosen to get my attention...

  4. Ada's full of surprises! Whatever next??

  5. There are many who will find the new Ada quite fetching...Cad, it's not over till it's over, but time out for giggles!!

  6. Always enjoy your posts, well done!

  7. If this is the first part of a good exciting story, i will be waiting for the next...


  8. She sure pumped up those legs. Wow.

    Yes, I would like to know more... : )

  9. If it ain't over till the Fat Lady sings, I hope she never does. Because I don't want this funhouse to shut its doors EVER!

  10. Very amusing magpie! Glad to see some humour coming out of a rather depressing image!
    Well done!

  11. ...too bad he left before he could enjoy the "naughty stool". This was too funny...

  12. heh heh heh ...Ada and Caddoc are some team! It's ingenious how you fit the prompts around them!

  13. Ha! This is great! I love it when someone takes off in a totally different direction with a prompt. You did good!

  14. I am cancelling my gym membership immediately.

  15. whew, what a transformation! love your light style.

  16. Goodness me! I think I could do with a class like that, not to mention the red attire... LOL

  17. Hubba! No one can call you a stodgy writer (or Ada a stodgy anything, for that matter).

  18. Now that's a surprise! I had seen that prompt, but hadn't been able to write anything because I was tied up with some other things... but never had I thought that it could have prompted something like... this! :D

    Loved every bit of this one.. and I'm still laughing. Hehehe...

    Arnab Majumdar
