Monday 12 September 2011

What Is The World Coming To?

I was enjoying my evening stroll along the canal bank when I came across this depraved piece of graffiti on  a wall.  Normally I would avert my eyes and pass by, but it struck me that it fulfilled the requirements of a blog-prompt I saw whilst keeping an eye on the adventures of my friends Ada and Caddoc Trellis. Fortunately or perhaps not, I found the prompt from my browser "History"  You too can find it  - here.
And here is the vile verse. I can well imagine that its execution took considerably less than a minute.

I hauled out my member.
She let go her drawers.
An allegro knee-trembler
and several encores.


  1. Hahaha! This did give me a laugh today. The narrative intro was as entertaining as the cheeky lines themselves.

    Thank you for sharing your wit with us at Real Toads.

  2. Mr. Trellissimo . . it's gratifying to see that you have my own and Caddoc's well-being at heart. But what on earth is a "knee-trembler"?

  3. Ada, Beloved - come and see me in the potting shed and I will be delighted to demonstrate one for you, my little cabbage...

  4. Cad . . . I'm pretty sure her insouciance is wholly feigned.

  5. Doctor FTSE, may I remind you of my slogan?
    "To the pure, all things are slightly impure."
    Those words were not written lightly, look you...

  6. lol- The comments are almost as funny as the poem itself. Thanks for taking the time to jump in!

  7. Laurie! Fancy seeing you here!It's a lovely pond for many Toads to jump in, I see...

    And Cad, is the invitation to the shed open to all comers? You could be busy...

  8. That just really, it does!
