Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Ideal Gift

Caddoc is a man with a dress sense all his own but when I saw him yesterday, out in the rain alone, I was startled when I noticed that he held above his head a very large umbrella in a garish shade of red. He looked for all the world like the guy from Magpie Tales but I thought "That's Caddoc Trellis, from Abergele, Wales... So what on earth's he doing in this seedy part of town?" And if his Ada saw him, would she be inclined to frown? Would he try to reassure her with "I must have lost my way. I was off to buy a pressie, love, in nearby Colwyn Bay. I think I missed my turning as I headed through Pensarn and then it started raining, dear, I muttered "Drat!" and "Darn"'cos when my brolly is unfurled I can only see my feet so I don't know how I ended up in this decrepit street of drinking dens and betting shops, Houses of Ill Repute where naughty girls in fish-net tights hold out Forbidden Fruit. So lead me homeward, Ada, and when all is done and said, I'll gladly do some penance in my lonely garden shed."

Would Ada say, "A pressie, Cad, could put your wrongs to right" if Caddoc beamed and handed her ...
a pair of fish-net tights?

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Who's A Real Toad?

Ada dear has called me  "Toad!"
on more than one occasion.
I quickly learned to close my ears
with much determination 

not to falter in my step,
or resort to battle stations.

For toads can hop off mighty fast
they're slippery little critters.
My best defence is to disappear
and quaff a glass of bitter (*)              
safe within my potting shed,
far from Beloved's twitter!

(*) A type of British Beer

There was an invitation issued on Monday "Calling all toads!" - so here I am - eventually!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Heaven's Above?

Surely this is a picture to strike fear into the hearts of all DIY enthusiasts everywhere! 

This week,  Magpie Tales, thanks to Tess, has spotlighted another glorious episode in the Life and Times of the indomitable Ada and Caddoc Trellis.  Recently, a sudden bout of Make Over Fever hit the Trellis household when Ada raised her eyes - not to Heaven - but the ceiling! Which is what some Brits, and particularly Welsh Brits, call their 'Top'. 

Ada, on her back in bed, muttered "When he comes in from his shed, I'll say 'Cad, this top needs doing.' Then he'll know there's trouble brewing."
Unsuspecting, in walks Cad.
   "My basil's looking not half bad, my love!" he calls, and bounds upstairs where Ada, from her store of stares chooses her stoniest.
   "Right, my lad, a brilliant idea I have had! You're now a decorator's mate. We have a room to decorate!"
Caddoc sighs, begins to wallow in thoughts of what is soon to follow. But Ada sugar-coats the pill.
   "When it is done our bedroom will look like a Turkish knocking shop. And then I'll keep you on the hop! Wallpaper won't be all you'll strip... so hasten on a 'Homebase' trip. Here's a list of what we need - and get you back at topmost speed!"

It's best the next week be glossed over. For sure, it was no bed of clover as Caddoc, teetering on a ladder while Ada pasted paper, had a sneaky, hovering premonition that other rooms in poor condition would soon be added to a list where 'Ada's Mark' could not be missed... But paint and paper once renewed, the busy pair stood back and viewed their spruced up boudoir with delight, and so relived their wedding night.