Friday 15 July 2011

My Lips Are Sealed- Almost!

I am a mollusc;
from inside my shell
I will never see the sea.
I may feel the ocean,
but have no concept
of its vastness.

Must I forgo security
and leave my home
to acquire wisdom?

Or, like a hermit,
will inner spaces
allow me to complete
a meaningful journey
in my solitary world?

This continues in the same introspective vein as my previous post. Ada seems to be on one of her 'Let's ignore Caddoc' kicks, which gives me plenty of time to look inside myself in search of yet more answers.
To the question 'Why stop at 55 words?' I have found a reason on the bottom line HERE!


  1. i imagine you will end up on a seafood platter to the metaphor...what good is introspection if not outwardly acted upon

  2. Stay where you feel safest:-)

  3. Sometimes one's own little world is the best option. ;)

  4. I feel kind of clammy now.
    Why stop at 55 words?
    It keeps things from getting too muddled!
    Excellent 55 Cad.
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  5. Garlic, white wine and a spot of cream. That's the answer to your problem little clam!

    Great words.

  6. I like the way you're thinking here--outside the shell/inside the shell. Nice 55.

  7. enjoy your unique space,
    fabulous 55.

    thanks for sharing.
