Sunday, 3 June 2012

Green Fingers?

As Caddoc is no stranger to the subject of gardening, I'm sure this week's Mag 120  from Tess met with his approval! It certainly set me thinking...

Image by Klaus Enrique Gerdes
Caddoc's little greenhouse and kitchen garden plot
get overloaded, summer time, with all the plants he's got
to flourish with his tender care -  once started, he can't stop!

Poor Ada has a problem with with finding room to freeze
all his fruit and veggies..."More rhubarb? Caddoc, please!"
The thought of all the cooking brings Ada to her knees.

There, in her busy kitchen, his Ada wails and grumbles.
"Does this mean I'll have to bake at least two dozen crumbles
to use it up? Will so much fruit make all our stomachs rumble?

And soon there will be strawberries and apples by the ton.
Will our culinary capers never all be done?"
But Caddoc merely smiles and says "Ada, you are a one!

You know you love fresh fruit and veg that I bring to the table.
You should thank your lucky stars that your Caddoc is able
to utilise his talents so, to produce his "Home Grown" label!


  1. Put on the tea...I'm coming over...

  2. i like the alliteration and meaning of culinary capers (that would also make a good title, for something...)

    fruit essence facial mask

  3. This is fun! The cadence rings strong and steady.

  4. Home grown is def the best…can you ever really have too much? Lots of fun in this one…and def glad you are able…

  5. lol....just one lingering stare and Ada could leave any fruit bitter!!

  6. I'll be right over! Tasty tidbit poem-love it!

  7. Is there ever too much goodness? :)

  8. You could bring some 'home grown' label to my table, any day! :)

  9. I feel that a recipe book must follow! Ada's Bounty?? I'm ready for seconds...

  10. Love this ~ gardens are good! (well, you could donate some of the excess to a food bank) ~ in my kitchen!!

  11. Love it!! "once started he can't stop" Send some my way! :)

  12. A plethora of garden delights! Thank you for sharing this, Trellissimo. =D

  13. Oh this was just great! I couldn't keep my eyes off the fun photos on the side too! A great read, thanks!

  14. Maybe Caddoc takes "five-a-day" a bit too far. Love the poem.

  15. Wonderful! Just what the doctor ordered!

  16. Veey witty intercourse between Cadoc and Ada once again !

  17. What a couple you are. I do wish my husband was interested in a garden, but alas it is not the case. I have bought some vegies and have a tiny garden...but even that makes me happy. :)

  18. I'll take some of Cad's fruit and veg if Ada doesn't want it!
