Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Trick Or Treat?

After being smitten with artistic dreams last year, you may remember Caddoc invested in some expensive equipment, (see HERE) but now... Caddoc's easel stood neglected...for painting wasn't as expected...

"Your daubs are random, they're a fright. They'd give real painters sleepless nights!" Ada dissed them, out of hand.
" They didn't turn out how I planned, but many oddball paintings sell  for millions, as you know full well." Disgruntled, Caddoc turned and fled back to the comfort of his shed, determined to produce a work that wouldn't send his wife berserk.

But after many fruitless hours, he chose to employ subtler powers. He bought a large Kandinsky print, (which left him absolutely skint) and pasted it onto a board. "That'll have my Ada floored. She'll think I've improved, overnight. She won't dare call this 'oeuvre' a fright!"

But Ada's taste was so not modern -
for she liked Titian's glorious auburn
haired and buxom models.
Caddoc's task would be no doddle...

And that is how events transpired. The outcome Caddoc so desired  was blown, when Ada, the Welsh Minxsy said "Why not just buy a real Kandinsky?"

Inspiration for this post is all down to Tess and Kandinsky, over at The Mag.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Year Of The Dragon

Ada was plagued by a nightmare. She thought she was tied to the bed and a horrible vision appeared in her mind - a dragon, all flaming and red...

"Oh, the flames are too near! I'll be roasted alive!" were the words on her lips as she woke,"Is my bottom on fire?  I'm certain it is - why, surely that smell is ...is...SMOKE?!

"When Caddoc and I had a night on the town, quaffing rice wine  by the flagon, I forgot my poor head...Now its dreams  have hit hard, I wish I had stayed on the waggon! "

"There there, beloved. Worry no more.That posh Chinese nosh was to blame - I'm sure by the morning all will be well." Caddoc's words sounded awfully lame.

But wait! On a sudden, SHE was the dragon. Caddoc soon would be quaking with fear, now wifey had morphed to a Welsh Dragon Ada, toasting the Chinese New Year!

(For more bare bottoms, see The Mag ...and this!)
But then, Caddoc Trellis sent a poem to me by email last night after reading my post (above). He asked me to keep it under wraps, which naturally is why I'm adding it as a tailpiece (so to speak.)

When I get in THAT position
only one thing's on my mind.
Is someone with a lighted match
creeping up behind
waiting for a fearsome blast
of noxious Winter Wind?**
An unkind way, I do declare
of burning off my botty hair!

**Must pronounce "Wind" as in Shakespeare's  "Oh blow thou wintry wind, thou art not so unkind as Man's ingratitude...  "

Monday, 16 January 2012

What do YOU see in the dark?

I have to thank several fellow bloggers** for the pictures they've posted in the past couple of days, as together they inspired a unique collage - like so - for which I shall be forever indebted to them...

When Caddoc's carrots came to light, two filled Ada with delight... they set her dreaming in a trice -
"Norty, Ada  - That's not nice!"
But, deary me, alas alack, those dreams kept coming back... and back...
"Ada! Restrain these nighttime habits ...or you and Cad will breed like rabbits!"

**From left to right, top to bottom, the bloggers in need of thanks are Friko (Fridge Soup) Doctor FTSE (Stop! This is getting very SILLY) and Tess (Magpie Tales). Why not visit them and say "Hi!" from me, Trellissimo?

Thursday, 12 January 2012


Poetry Jam's request that we have a good laugh this week, reminded me of this video. Listen and look carefully, and you may spot a young Ada, both serious and laughing, as she mimics Brittania whilst the gentlemen serenade her...

Then you can sing along to the chorus with these alternative words...

Song For Ada

"Rock me, Mama like a waggon wheel,
rock me Mama any way you feel "-
I'm your Caddoc and sure, I'm real!
Oh Mama!

Dig my potatoes and trim my leeks -
be the perfect lady love that I seek.
You can pluck my banjo any day of the week
Oh Mama!

Let's forget the warring and call a truce-
trip the light fantastic 'til we both turn puce
and need to drink a gallon of orange juice.
Oh Mama!

And if you want to see/hear the original lyrics for comparison, here they are!