Thursday 26 August 2010

Magpie Tales#29

Disconcerting in the Extreme!

I'm as sure as I can be that this is the Gingerbread House from "Hansel and Gretel." Allow me to remind all bloggers that this is a story which treats of inter alia:-  Child neglect, child cruelty and eventual abandonment, witchcraft, kidnap, false imprisonment and threats sufficient to put the poor wee souls in a state of fear and alarm. Not to mention the potential for dental decay, marital discord so severe as to be indistinguishable from dysfuntion with the parents of two poor waifs discussing how to get rid of them! Here's me new to blogging and I fall straight into a Pit of Vipers! You haven't heard the last of this.


  1. I see you are witty...and pretty... so follow the breadcrumbs ... to my blog (seems you are not the garden-type?)

  2. The wicked cackle ringing in your ears is just me, being amused by your opener about the H.O.G.s.

    I'm scandalized by this gingerbread business. I've been known to delicately nip off an arm or a head from time to time. Wouldn't know it to look at me.

  3. I'm glad we haven't heard the last. You are very entertaining :)
